
Showing posts from May, 2013

Beg Sɔl Nɔba Kuk Sup: An Anthology of Krio Poetry | A review by Ian Hancock

Beg Sɔl Nɔba Kuk Sup: An Anthology of Krio Poetry| Sheikh Umarr Kamarah & Marjorie Jones, eds. Sierra Leone Writers Series, Freetown, 2013 

Caine Prize for African Writing announces 2013 Shortlist

The shortlist for the 2013 Caine Prize for African Writing has been announced today (Wednesday 15 May) – and among the five stories chosen are an unprecedented four Nigerian entries and Sierra Leonean Pede Hollist. The Chair of judges, art historian and broadcaster, Gus Casely-Hayford said, “The shortlist was selected from 96 entries from 16 African countries. They are all outstanding African stories that were drawn from an extraordinary body of high quality submissions.” Gus described the shortlist saying, “The five contrasting titles interrogate aspects of things that we might feel we know of Africa – violence, religion, corruption, family, community – but these are subjects that are deconstructed and beautifully remade. These are challenging, arresting, provocative stories of a continent and its descendants captured at a time of burgeoning change.” The winner of the £10,000 prize is to be announced at a celebratory dinner at the Bodleian Library, Oxford, on Monday 8 July. T...

WriTivism Festival | The African Continental Writer, Reader and Publisher

WriTivism Festival | The African Continental Writer, Reader and Publisher Kampala, Uganda  15-19 August 2013