The Jacaranda Tree

Lango Deen's Easter story, The Jacaranda Tree, was first published on Facebook in 2010. Easter flowers are blooming bright, Easter skies pour radiant light, Christ our Lord is risen in might, Glory in the highest! Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ our Lord is risen in might, Alleluia! Alleluia! He woke up early. Lay on his back for a while, and then fumbled for his wireless. He kept the volume down while SLBS made its static early morning call signs. Then there was a creak from the next room. His wife was stirring. As it went quiet again, the muezzin’s salat cut through the darkness. He sat up, moved to the edge of the mattress, and let his feet dangle over the tall brass bed high up from the linoleum floor. He reached for the wireless but he didn’t want to wake his wife so he turned off the knob. The muezzin’s call to prayer grew fainter, as the burly, retired Public Works employee walked out of his bedroom. Through the small parlor to the back, h...