Constance and Nancy and Everyone They Knew | Fantasy History 1
Five days a week, Nancy Dolly Grant would walk past the Princess Christian Mission Hospital on the eastern side of Freetown to an old produce port at Susan's Bay, Big Wharf. The Princess Christian Mission hospital that lies back from the old Fourah Bay road, along which ran railway track, was established in 1892 as a teaching hospital for "training African ladies in nursing and in ministering to the spiritual and bodily needs of the sick and poor." The premises had a large free ward for women and children, a small ward for paying patients, a ward for European missionaries, consulting room, operating room and a residence for the European matron and sisters. Two miles away, on the west side of town, near the waterside market at King Jimmy, was the much larger government-run hospital, Connaught Hospital, that was opened in 1910 by the English duke of Connaught, Arthur. Young Nancy’s “greatest ambition” was to be a nurse. Between the two hospitals ran n