Tendai Huchu | A Few Thoughts on the Literature Which May/May Not Be Called African Literature

Tendai Huchu is the author of The Hairdresser of Harare . His short fiction and nonfiction have appeared in The Manchester Review, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, Wasafiri, Warscapes, The Africa Report, The Zimbabwean, Kwani? journal and numerous other publications. In 2013 he received a Hawthornden Fellowship and a Sacatar Fellowship. He was shortlisted for the 2014 Caine Prize. His next novel will be The Maestro, The Magistrate, & The Mathematician . We live in interesting times for lovers of African literature. You can’t go a week or two these days without some middle-aged white dude decrying the death of the novel etc, etc. yet in Africa we’re still thinking of expansion. It could very well be that the western novel reached its zenith whenever and is now in decline, but Africa still has room and hope for expansion. There is a surge of confidence in writers who are winning over global audiences for their stories. Some of the more interesting developments are happening o...