Vitabu Reads | In Search of Sons

The Sierra Leonean Writers Series first published J. Sorie Conteh’s I n Search of Sons in 2007. The 200-page novel beautifully crafts the past in fictional Talia as the story weaves around life in a rural town during the railway era. Sierra Leone’s rail operated from the 1890s to the mid-1970s. Conteh’s gripping tale is probably set at the latter end, when air buses had become a more preferred mode of international travel than the work-horse ocean liners of the 1950s and 60s. The story begins with a fleeting introduction to Kunaafoh, the now adult daughter of Giita, the novel’s tragic heroine. Although Kunaafoh appears to be the narrator of the ordeal her dead mother went through, she is inexplicably placed in the background while the reader is carried along in her river of memories. Along the way, Conteh provides fascinating insight into traditional Mende life as he courses through compounds, villages, forests, and rivers to spotlight a marriage buffeted by a complex mix ...