World Book Day 2018

It's World Book and Copyright Day, the global celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Ever wondered why the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) chose April 23 as the day to celebrate books? "On 23 April 1616, two giants of world literature died, two precursors whose work would revolutionize the way fiction was conceived and written: Cervantes and Shakespeare. This coincidence is why 23 April was chosen to be World Book and Copyright Day," writes Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General in her 2018 Message on World Book and Copyright Day . To mark the occasion each year on 23 April, UNESCO and international organizations representing the three major sectors of the book industry - publishers, booksellers, and libraries, select a city as the World Book Capital until 23 April of the following year. Conakry, Guinea was UNESCO World Book Capital City April 23, 2017- April 22, 2018. From April 23, 2018...