"Did You have a Good Friday? Judas Didn't!"
'Did You have a Good Friday? Judas Didn't!' A snippet from last year's Good Friday homily as the preacher warmed to the popular theme of "let's all beat up on Judas": "Of all the people in the bible, I can’t think of too many people who have a worse name than Judas Iscariot: have you ever known anybody named Judas? What do you think would happen if you called someone a Judas? He has gone down in history as one of the worst betrayers in all the bible. Oh, there are other bad guys of the bible: Pharaoh, Pilate, Ahab, Herod ... all come to mind. But I don’t think any can beat ol’ Judas for sheer detestability. After all, you sort of expected all of them to be wicked: all of them were corrupt rulers, but Judas takes the cake because not only was he bad, but he betrayed a friend ..." And so say all of us, I suspect? Do those gleeful chants of "Judas dai don tidey, wi go berram tumara ...!" still ring out in the Freetown b...