Kinna Reads announces 2nd Annual Ghanaian Literature Week

Kinna Reads, a leading African lit blogger, has announced that it will host the 2nd annual Ghanaian Literature Week. This year’s reading event is scheduled for Monday, November 14th – Sunday, November 20th. Kinna Reads hosted the event for the first time last year. "[I]t was a lot of fun, although participation was limited to bloggers. This year, I’m opening it up to the world and relaxing the rules somewhat."

To participate:

- Read one or more works by a Ghanaian author or an author of Ghanaian descent. Fiction and non-fiction works are allowed. All forms and genres of fiction are also allowed. These include novels, novellas, short stories, children’s literature, poetry and drama. Literary fiction, faith-based works, romances, mysteries are also included. The length or topic does not matter except that it must be connected to Ghana or touch on some aspect of Ghanaian life. The material must be published as a physical book, an ebook, in a newspaper, in a journal or published online.

-Please link your reviews to the review database, which will be put up on the first day of the event.

- Join Kinna Reads for Twitter chats (the times will be announced later). They will use the hashtag #GhanaLitWeek

- Participate in chats on Facebook (page to be announced later today)

- If you are in Ghana, tune into radio programs (time and stations to be announced later)

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