Vitabu Reads | Sherry Early's Reading Challenge

I just stumbled upon Sherry Early's "Reading Challenge: Northern Africa." Sherry has been interested in reading books about Africa for a while so she decided to get organized in 2012 and sponsor a challenge for herself and anyone else who wants to join in.

Sherry's challenge is to read eleven books either set in north Africa or written by authors from this region in 2012. She hopes to read at least one adult book and one children’s book from Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Sudan, Tunisia, and Western Sahara.

In Sherry's North Africa Tour, you can:

1. Read at least one book from each of the eleven countries in northern Africa. Since the challenge runs for eleven months, this challenge would entail reading one book per month.

2. Read five books set in one of the countries of northern Africa or five books by authors from one of the countries of northern Africa. Example: Read five books by Egyptian authors.

3. Read five to eleven children’s books set in northern Africa. Adults are welcome to do this challenge either with a child or not.

The Northern Africa Challenge begins on January 1, 2012 and ends on December 1, 2012. If you choose to read eleven books for this challenge, that will be one book per month. If you would like to join Sherry in this challenge in 2012, please email sherryDOTearlyAtgmailDOTcom


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