The Truth About the Fact | International Call for Submissions

The Truth About the Fact | An International Journal of Literary Nonfiction

International Call for Submissions

The Truth About the Fact are now accepting submissions of nonfiction essays and memoirs, nonfiction poetry, and visual artwork for their fourth issue. The deadline is December 31st, 2010. Submissions are to be made by email only:

Guidelines for all submissions:

All work must be nonfiction. Please do not send fictional prose or poetry.
Essays, memoir, and commentary must be between 1,000-5,000 words. Poetry must be no longer than 4 pages. Art files cannot exceed 1MB.
Please include each piece as separate attachments. Attachments must be in Microsoft Word (.doc), PDF, or JPEG for visual files.
Please include a cover page for each piece containing: title of the piece, your name, address, phone number, and reliable email address. Your name should NOT appear anywhere else on the piece outside of the cover page.
There is no limit to the number of submissions, however, they can only accept previously unpublished, original work.
The file name should include your full name and preferably the title of the piece. For example: "John Deere-Tractor Story.doc" or "Mickey Mouse-Rodent Picture.jpeg."
For nonfiction essays, memoir, and commentary:

Do not indent paragraphs. Please double space, with an extra space between each paragraph.
Please number each page in the top right corner, but again, do not include your name anywhere but on the cover page.
For art submissions:

Must be high-quality, black and white photography or photographic images of artwork.
Art submissions must include cover pages. See above for guidelines.


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