Purple Rain by Damilola Fasuba

I am Kamal Anisiobi, writing from West Africa. Oluwadamilola Fasuba is someone I call my friend. We met 4 years ago via Instagram. I am proud of her determined, hardworking, no-nonsense attitude. Oluwadamilola (Dami for short) is a 22-year-old writer/novelist who lives in Lagos, Nigeria.

Writing has always been her passion. Her role model is the great Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and she aspires to be as good as her in the future. Shine on Dami!

Already on her second book, Purple Rain is a generational love story, which runs from the matriarch Agnes down to Kikelomo, her granddaughter.

"Although I have written many stories," Dami said, "I realized that I've never touched on the topic of love. This is because love has many depths and cannot be constrained to a single story.

"Purple Rain is a collection of my thoughts and ideas," she says. "I believe it will touch the heart of anyone who reads it. I believe love is a universal language and we all speak it in one way or the other."

The book centers on a young lady who is interested in music. Warned of the pitfalls by her parents, her passion ended up being the road that led to love.

Purple Rain is a touching story of a young woman following her dreams. The trials she faced on her journey to success helped her find her inner strength and become a pillar of the community. Click here to buy on Okada Books. ---Report by Kamal Anisiobi.


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